Friday, July 11, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beach fun!!

FUN IN THE SUN! Glenn turned the big 35 this year, so I thought I would take him away to the beach & take his mind (or what's left of it) off of his age ;o) We went to Ocean City MD which is soooo much fun. It's just a great family experience to walk the same boardwalk that you know has been walked since the early 1900's.
We had so much fun just swimming in the water, getting knocked around by the waves and playing in the sand with the kids. Dominik had a blast finding crayfish (ewww!) and Hannah had a blast finding DEAD JELLY FISH!!! How scary that was! She walked up giggling "mommy look what I found" I look down and hanging over the sides of her tiny hand is a large grapefruit size jellyfish, thank goodness it was dead. I yelled to drop it, we kicked it and ran away. ahhhhh the joys of having small children.
We walked up and down the boardwalk and looked at all the neat shops. Ate some famous Dempsey's ice cream and ate at the famous Phillips all you can eat seafood...Glenn was in heaven, I stuck to chicken and pasta thank you. The kids had a great time at the carnival off the boardwalk (we went broke there!) and a blast at the hotels indoor pool. I can't wait to go back A.S.A.P. Although, we're thinking Mexico next year!